Our new Telegram bot is ready for work!
Chat with our bot, and get drawn UML charts.

It uses the plantUML format, so in the example above, the code is:
title Example
actor user
database telegram
database bot
user -> telegram : message with\nPlantUML format
telegram -> bot : message with\nPlantUML format\nplus chat data
bot -> bot : generate diagram
bot -> telegram : push diagram to user
telegram -> user : diagram
How to share it with others in other chat?
Since it is like a picture or photo, select the diagram and forward it to other chat.

Look for the chat where you are going to forward the diagram.

Find it in Telegram as @umlbot or open this link for the web version of Telegram https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@umlbot
Other questions appearing in the comments below regarding ~~