Our Telegram bots


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Base64 decode @base64_decode_bot Chat base64 encoded texts with this bot to decode them. In Facebook
Base64 encode @base64_encode_bot Chat any text with this bot to encode them using base64 format. In Facebook
CRC32 @crc32_bot This bot will calculate the CRC32 value of any text you chat with it. In Facebook
Currency Converter & Watcher @currency_converter_watcher_bot Chat with this bot to convert values between different currencies. Set the currency that you use daily, and your favorites, for faster conversion. Set up the bot to watch and alert you when the conversion rates between two currencies are over or under a limit decided by you. In Facebook
MD5 @md5_hash_bot This bot will calculate the MD5 value of any text you chat with it. In Facebook
ROT13 (rotate by 13 places) @rot13_transform_bot This bot will apply the Caeasar Algorithm to your texts. It will rotate 13 positions to each letter (half of 26 letters, the number of letter of the English alphabet). In Facebook
SHA1 @sha1_bot This bot will calculate the SHA1 value of any text you chat with it. In Facebook
Shuffle characters @shuffle_characters_bot Any text that you chat with this bot will be replied to you with the order of the characters changed. Good for playing with your friends. In Facebook
To lower case @to_lower_case_bot Any text that you chat with this bot will be replied in lowercase. In Facebook
To UPPER case @to_upper_case_bot Any text that you chat with this bot will be replied in UPPERCASE. In Facebook
UML bot @umlbot Chat with our bot and get drawn your UML charts. It uses plantUML format. In Facebook
URL decode @urldecode_bot This bot will help the web developers to decode values that have been encoded using the URL encode format. In Facebook
URL encode @urlencode_bot This bot will help the web developers to encode the texts using the URL encode format. In Facebook
UUID/GUID @uuid_bot This bots will reply you a uniquer identifier to anything you chat with it. In Facebook