Highscores API
This small web service allows you to create and host in our servers highscores tables / leaderboards for your games and products like for example employees ranks, or your favorite movies.

Configure your table with the number maximum of records to be hosted and if the same user can have or not more of 1 entry. You will get an API key for managing the highscores table / leaderboards from your application and another API key for management.
Use the API described in the documentation or any of the existing libraries listed in the website for quickly integration with your applications.
Get the PHP and the Java libraries, and don’t miss the demo page!
Check out for more at https://highscores.ehehdada.com
Follow us in Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Highscore-Tables-API-1385327125122490/
Pricing: For the moment, we are only asking the web mining of 256 hashes, and pay only once in time-life.
Hosting services and maintenance
We can host, deploy specific web services accordinly to your projects and provide maintenance services starting from USD 10/month.
Examples of them are:
- Apache Tomcat instances for J2EE projects:.
- Continuous Integration systems using Jenkins-CI.
- Linux+Apache+MySQL/MariaDB+PHP boxes.
LAMP boxes - Linking all your web sites under a common search engine like our YaCy node or deploy a private instance to index all the documents of the Intranet of your company for better search.
YaCy node at Lucentinian Works Co Ltd This can be integrated with your websites using a widget like this
- WordPress sites like our corporate website.
- Social Network private instances like our Friendica node.
Contact us for customizing a box for you.