Conversion tables added to Currency Exchange website

We have added two tables to our Currency Exchange website with the most typical values.

Conversion tables in Currency Exchange website
Conversion tables in Currency Exchange website

The first of them shows the list of the most typical values then their converted values. The second is just the opposite for the conversion that is being queried.

What do you think about these fix values? Do you use other values?

Temperature scale converters

We are glad to announce we have been been adding to our data converter website new options to transform temperature values from/to other scales. Convert your values between Celsius, Delisle, Fahrenheit, Gas Mark, Kelvin, Newton, Rankine, Réaumur, and Rømer temperature scales.

Tiger Hash Algorithms added

We are glad to announce that we have added the Tiger hash algorithm family to our online Convert Data web site. Please follow the next links accordingly to the length and the number of rounds.

Tiger hash algorithm at our online Convert Data website

Do you nee more information about the Tiger hash algorithm? Please check the wikipedia.

Why crypto mining?

Some people has asked if we are mining cryptocurrencies and why we are doing that since we are providing docker images with cryptocurrency miners.

We are currently mining Webchain no because we are thinking to get rich soon (actually the exchange rate with USD is quite low) but because it allows us to easily get some cash for projects that in production can use their ERC20 & ERC223 Smart Contracts and DApps.

If you are looking for developers with experience in Smart Contracts and distributed applications running in blockchain, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

    New credit mechanism for FANN website

    Our Fast Artificial Neural Network website and webservice uses a credit system for monetize the usage our servers for the query of the artificial neural networks you may need to be available online. We are glad to announce we are using now CoinIMP, which will increase the credits for a particular network when the configuration webpage that network is open, and we will be integrating a payment gateway for all of our users who prefer to buy credits using credit card.

    New credits system integrated in Fast Artificial Neural Network

    We will be publishing documentation soon about how to use the web API for consulting the status of the network and query the network from your apps as well.

    Highscores API web service

    It is a pleasure for us to introduce you the highscores API web service.

    With this service you can host online ranking tables for your games and services.

    Define the number maximum of rows and if the same user can add only 1 record or multiple records.

    Record the IP and the locale for later references.

    Check out for the page of the project