What time is it?

Have you felt sometimes that the time of your clock is not right? With so many clocks at home, which one is the correct? Even the mobiles and computers may differ.

We are bringing you https://whattimeisit.lucentinian.com where you can check what time is it in your computer against our servers synchronized with the Network Time Foundation.

We will be adding more clocks for different timezones to the website.

Currency Exchange website

We are glad to announce we have released our Currency Exchange information website, with currency converter calculator and embeddable currency exchange rate evolution charts.

Our charts can be embedded into your website by just adding HTML code snippets like this:

<iframe src='https://currencyexchange.lucentinian.com/last24hours/EUR/LTC'>

Which will show the chart below

Find out more information in our websites presentation section.

Users demo released

We have created a demo regarding users management in regards the requirements of a challenge posted in a group in Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/2322832835/permalink/10157871154867836/ and we have deployed in our implementation in our demo server at https://demos.lucentinian.com/usersdemo/

Specification and development documentation has been added to the users demo web page.

Feel free to play with it, and do not hesitate to send us your feedback.

Date time decoder

We have added to our Convert Data web service date time decoders that we hope will help you to determine with ease these situations where you need to look for the calendar to know what day was yesterday, last Monday, first day of last month, etc. in different standard formats. You can also specify what timezone you want the date time to be parsed, including regions like continents and countries, or part of city names. So that, we hope this tool may help you with bulk conversions as well.

The available decoders are:

Convert from file feature added

The release presented today for our Convert data website has as main actor the introduction of convert data from file, hash calculation, transform, etc. Choose file which you want to apply the selected operation and algorithm, and it will be sent automatically to our server for the conversion.

JSON minimizer and upload file button

Once the file has been processed, it will appear as usual in the original and result boxes. We have changed the way the data displayed since the content may require too much memory from the web browser of the user, so we are limiting the representation in 5KB. However, internally, the full data can still be copied to clipboard and downloaded. Furthermore, if the result exceeds the 5KB, the content will be downloaded automatically.

Moreover, we have introduced a JSON minimizer operation for striping blanks and new lines, reducing the JSON document as much as possible following the standards.

‘Save As File’ added to Convert Data site

We have added the convenient ‘Save As File’ function represented by an floppy image 💾 to both the original content and the conversed content for easing the storage of the results while converting data with our web service.

New 'Save As File' function

Depending on the web browser configuration, the content will be stored directly without confirmation.

The web browser stores the content directly to your hard disk

Or it will ask what to do before saving the file.

The web browser will ask the user what to do with the content to store