webchain/mintme altcoin exchange rate info added to our currency exchange site

We are starting to integrate other currency exchange rates providers like coingecko in our service starting with MintMe coin (aka webchain).


This change also allows our Telegram Messenger bot to provide you exchange rate information for webchain / mintme altcoin as well as alerts.

MintMe.com / Webchain coin in our Currency Converter & Watcher bot for Telegram


Please do not hesitate to contact us if your company or organization is trading assets, and you have way (API, etc.) to share exchange rate info.

What time is it?

Have you felt sometimes that the time of your clock is not right? With so many clocks at home, which one is the correct? Even the mobiles and computers may differ.

We are bringing you https://whattimeisit.lucentinian.com where you can check what time is it in your computer against our servers synchronized with the Network Time Foundation.

We will be adding more clocks for different timezones to the website.

Conversion tables added to Currency Exchange website

We have added two tables to our Currency Exchange website with the most typical values.

Conversion tables in Currency Exchange website
Conversion tables in Currency Exchange website

The first of them shows the list of the most typical values then their converted values. The second is just the opposite for the conversion that is being queried.

What do you think about these fix values? Do you use other values?

PayPal integrated with our Anonymous Online BitTorrent Web Client

Online payments with fiat currencies are now available in our Anonymous Online BitTorrent Web Client service (the website is at https://onlinetorrent.lucentinian.com) provided by PayPal.

This should be a proof of our skills integrating multiple payment gateways in e-Commerce websites.

When you are paying with U.S. Dollars (USD), the checkout summary will appear as below.

PayPal doesn’t require you to input your email in advance like in the case of CoinPayments, so after you have reviewed the checkout summary, please proceed to click “Pay Now!” button, and a pop-up window to PayPal payment gateway should be opened.

You can choose either to pay with your existing PayPal account or either pay with a card without having to login into PayPal by clicking “Pay with a Card” button.

If you go through “Pay with a Card” option, PayPal will ask you to provide the information about your credit card. Please notice all this is going through PayPal website, we are not storing any information in our side to keep anonymously the payments of the downloads.

Note: At the moment, buyers from Taiwan cannot use PayPal for payments because due to government regulations, buyers having a billing address in Taiwan cannot use PayPal to make payments to sellers registered in Taiwan (Yes! Lucentinian Works Co Ltd is a Taiwanese company).

Once you have registered your card, or you have gone throught using PayPal account method, please verify the amount to pay.

If you got enough funds, the PayPal window will be closed automatically and you can navigate back to our Anonymous Online BitTorrent Web Client web site.

Capturing the funds may take 1~2 minutes, so if you don’t see the download starting soon, please be patience. If it is taking too long, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Roadmap updated

  • Add payment gateway for Taiwanese customers
  • Bulk payments, so you don’t have to pay the transaction fee per torrent, but once for all selected torrents
  • In-web crypto-currency mining which, despite of being available, we need to integrate API to know how much USD has been mining. We only know the number of hashes you have granted and the equivalent in MintMe/Webchain coins.
  • Payments in lucentinian tokens! 🙂
  • Seeding service, because right now you can download anything from BitTorrent network, but we want to provide you a service to help you to upload and distribute your content.
  • A fancier UI design (feedback of our beta testers), too austere? too spartan? too zen style? if our web service turns into a profitable service, we will be able to hire a better UI web designer 😉 …. (yes! our web designer is crying now after reading this…)

Currency Exchange website

We are glad to announce we have released our Currency Exchange information website, with currency converter calculator and embeddable currency exchange rate evolution charts.

Our charts can be embedded into your website by just adding HTML code snippets like this:

<iframe src='https://currencyexchange.lucentinian.com/last24hours/EUR/LTC'>

Which will show the chart below

Find out more information in our websites presentation section.

HTML entities encoder and decoder tools added

We have added 2 new tools to our Convert Data website for your website development which will help you to escape HTML code snippets and decode them, useful when you are visiting websites with examples that have been escaped by mistake by their CRM engine.

You can escape for example

<div>Hello <span style="color:blue;">world</span>!!!</div>

into this

&lt;div&gt;Hello &lt;span style="color:blue;"&gt;world&lt;/span&gt;!!!&lt;/div&gt;

with our HTML encoder tool and restore it back with our HTML decoder tool.

Anonymous Online BitTorrent Web Client

Today we would like to introduce a new service of our own:

Anonymous Online BitTorrent Web Client

We are leasing our BitTorrent client to all of you, specially to whom need to download files from the BitTorrent network and you can’t use or install a BitTorrent client in your computer, or you need to download something but you can’t leave your computer turned on for a while.

Our web client has as main feature that you can use it without any kind of registration or subscription. Besides of that, we are accepting cryptocurrencies for the payments for the use of our BitTorrent client for the files bigger than 1GB. Pay as you go!

How to use our web client

Once you open our web site for the first time, your web browser will be assigned with an ID which will be used to identify the paid packages in our side. No cookies are stored! (besides the one used by Zopim/Zendesk if you need our help through the Live Chat widget.)

Anonymous Online BitTorrent Web Client by Lucentinian Works Co Ltd
Anonymous Online BitTorrent Web Client by Lucentinian Works Co Ltd

Look for the URL to the torrent file or magnet from trusted sources, like for example, if you want to download an ISO of Live CD/DVD of Fedora, you can find them in https://torrent.fedoraproject.org/

Right click on the link to pop-up the menu where we can "Copy Link Location"
Right click on the link to pop-up the menu where we can “Copy Link Location”

Once you have got the URL to the torrent file of the content you want us to assist you to download, go to our web client and paste it in the box for adding URLs to your queue.

Paste the URL to the torrent file of the content to download
Paste the URL to the torrent file of the content to download

Once you click “Start download” button, the URL will be submitted to our BitTorrent client which will start to look for seeds.

Looking for seeds in BitTorrent network
Looking for seeds in BitTorrent network

Depending on the amount of seeders, the files will take more or less longer to download. We provide indications of the estimated time, when the file will fully downloaded in our server side.

Estimated time when the file will fully downloaded in our server
Estimated time when the file will fully downloaded in our server

Then you can browse away from our website, but don’t forget to return back! Remember the estimated time may change accordingly with the number of available seeders and their upload speed.

In the example above we are using USD as currency, but you can change it anything by clicking “Change currency” button (specially when we are not yet integrating payment gateway which can handle payments in USD from Taiwan.)

Let's change currency
Let’s change currency

We initially list some of the most popular currencies used nowadays like U.S. Dollar (USD) [hopefully it will available soon!], Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Monero (XMR).

Initial list with popular currencies
Initial list with popular currencies

But clicking on “See more” button, we will download the rest of the supported currencies by our payment gateway provider (for crypto-currencies, we are using CoinPayments as payment gateway provider.)

We'll be able to download the full list of supported currencies by clicking "See more" button
We’ll be able to download the full list of supported currencies by clicking “See more” button

Choose your favorite currency from the currency list, and prices will be displayed in the choose currency and in USD (as the base currency in our service are indicated in U.S. Dollars.)

We have chosen TRON crypto-currency as favorite currency

The price displayed is approximated to the exchange rate we can get from our payment gateway provider, and it may change over time, we will be still displaying the price in USD as it is fixed in our side.

Time to download to your local device
Time to download to your local device

Once our BitTorrent client has downloaded completely the content, all files will be placed in a ZIP package. Free downloads will start to download immediately, content which is bigger than 1GB will be charged for the leasing services.

Checkout for the service
Checkout for the service

Transaction fees (Tx. Fee) and some information will be depending on the selected currency. In the case of CoinPayments, an email needs to be provided to send you notifications regarding the status of the payment. Please submit a valid email, and click “Pay Now!” button.

Pop-up to the payment gateway blocked
Pop-up to the payment gateway blocked

Sometimes the web browsers block pop-ups, and in this case, the pop-up to the payment gateway has been blocked. If you click on it, you can open to initiate the payment. This will appear again once the content has been downloaded to local if you are not always allowing pop-ups from our website.

Payment Gateway from CoinPayments
Payment Gateway from CoinPayments

If you allow the pop-up, you will see this window appearing. The pop-up is necessary because you may be downloading already content, and browsing away will stop and discard the download until you will be back, and the download will start again from scratch.

Please notice the price indicated at the checkout page and the one in the payment gateway may change accordingly to the market variances. The one indicated in the payment gateway is final.

Download process starts automatically upon payment completed
Download process starts automatically upon payment completed

Paying with crypto-currencies take some time to be completed, but once it has been done, our web client will start to download the file to your local device. (PS.: You can check the network activity to verify we are downloading the content to your web browser.)

Finally downloaded as an actual file
Finally downloaded as an actual file

Web browsers may again block the pop-up which will store the downloaded data to your file system. Usually you will be alerted about this.

Questions? Suggestions?

Please do not hesitate to contact us for your questions and feedback through the comments, via email, or our contact form.


These are the pending tasks for our new service:

  • Add payment gateway for fiat currencies (USD, EUR, CAD, etc.)
  • Bulk payments, so you don’t have to pay the transaction fee per torrent, but once for all selected torrents
  • In-web crypto-currency mining which, despite of being available, we need to integrate API to know how much USD has been mining. We only know the number of hashes you have granted and the equivalent in MintMe/Webchain coins.
  • Payments in lucentinian tokens! 🙂
  • Seeding service, because right now you can download anything from BitTorrent network, but we want to provide you a service to help you to upload and distribute your content.
  • A fancier UI design (feedback of our beta testers), too austere? too spartan? too zen style? if our web service turns into a profitable service, we will be able to hire a better UI web designer 😉 …. (yes! our web designer is crying now after reading this…)