Our new Telegram bot is ready for work!
Chat with our bot, and get drawn UML charts.

It uses the plantUML format, so in the example above, the code is:
title Example
actor user
database telegram
database bot
user -> telegram : message with\nPlantUML format
telegram -> bot : message with\nPlantUML format\nplus chat data
bot -> bot : generate diagram
bot -> telegram : push diagram to user
telegram -> user : diagram
How to share it with others in other chat?
Since it is like a picture or photo, select the diagram and forward it to other chat.

Look for the chat where you are going to forward the diagram.

Find it in Telegram as @umlbot or open this link for the web version of Telegram https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@umlbot
Other questions appearing in the comments below regarding ~~

I need to help in answer questions please help me..
Sure! What questions do you have?
Yea.. how to use it :P?
I send some plantuml formatted data to the bot…
Maybe a good hint. Try to use “` and “` around the text. Otherwise I got issues that Telegram parses my text eg. Telegram can’t deal with ~~ symbols in Telegram (will cause a strikethrough). Which is a valid format in plantuml. Like: git ~~> deploy (arrow).
Nevertheless, a nice feature would be to send plantuml to somebody with @umlbot or something in another chat, which then automatically sends the image to the other telegram user.
I have uploaded a picture in the post regarding A ~~> B and A ~> B, how the bot renders it. What did you get? Is it possible for you to share with us some screenshots?
Hi Melroy! Thanks for your question! We have added more details to the post regarding its usage.